We are better together!

There are a variety of different Bees run by members who meet during the month. They are listed in your directory. Some are full (they simply don’t have room to handle any more, but since people come and go, always check back. Or start your own!).

Bee Joyful: Betty Blackwell (830-634-7320/ 210-218-4503) at Doyle Center (2nd & 4th Thursday) Children’s items for Raphael Clinic

Cut Ups: Linda Miller (830-992-8841) at One Quilt Place Studio (2nd Thursday) Individual projects to challenge ourselves

What the Scrap: Kathy Lewis (713-816-5108) Hunt VFD (1st Wednesday) Work on personal projects and charity quilts.

Material Girls: Nikki Strimpel (830-896-8389) Doyle Center (1st Monday) Work on own projects

Thoroughly Modern Quilters: Susan Longacre (830-367-5197) Security State Bank Conference Room (3rd Thursday) Experienced quilters - new techniques.

Killer Bee: Jackie Cornelius (830-896-1605) (Members’ homes 1st Mondays) Work on project quilts.

Quilts of Valor: Kathy Turley (951-830-8399) Hill Country Veteran Center (1st Monday) Make Quilts of Valor

Giver Workshop: Diana Kane (860-919-9651) Doyle Center (Every Thursday) Community Quilts