Guide to Your Hill Country Quilt Guild

With so many members and so many things going on at once, it may be a bit overwhelming for someone new. Hopefully this will get you better acquainted, so you will be able to join in the fun.


Third Monday of the month at Zion Lutheran Church. Meetings start at 9:30.

Social time from 99:30.

Visit some of our special program tables:

Membership Table: Please sign in and wear your name tag ($.25 donation for no name tag)

Workshop Table: Signup (with payment) for workshops (conducted the Tuesday following the guild meet- ing) two to three months in advance. Cost is $35 plus a kit fee, if required.

Library: Check out books; buy magazines and books; donate books and magazines you no longer need.

Block of the Month: Starting in January and going through October, you can signupto make a “block of the month” using the kit provided. The next month a winner (who receives all the blocks) is drawn from those turned in completed blocks.

Boutique Table: Where you drop off items to be sold at our biennial quilt show (odd years)

Charity Table: Items, such as, pet beds, Christmas Stockings, Quilts of Valor, andother needs asked for by our Donation Chairperson.

Retreats: There are two two-day retreats and one 3 1/2-night retreat during the year. Spaces are limited.

The business meeting starts at 9:30 followed by “Bring and Brag” giving members a chance to showoff their quilts.

After a short break of refreshments (brought in by members with birthdays that month), there is a program, usually given by a speaker/teacher who will conduct a workshop the following day.

Note: Our November meeting is a luncheon. We do not meet in December.


Workshops are conducted the Tuesday following the Monday guild meeting in the same area of the church as the meetings. You may sign up and pay at the guild meetings where you will receive a list of requirements to bring to class. Remember there are only 20 available slots per class, so don’t wait too long to sign up.

The workshops start at 9:00am and go until 4:00pm. It helps if you arrive around 8:45 to set up your area.


There are a variety of different Bees run by members who meet during the month. They are listed in your directory. Some are full (they simply don’t have room to handle any more, but since people come and go, always check back. Or start your own!).


The newsletter is emailed to our members early in the month prior to our monthly meeting. Not only will you be able to find out what went on at the last meeting but you’ll find out what is going on down the road.

Quilt Show:

Our biennial quilt (odd years) show is not only a way to show off our quilts, but to make money to support our pro- grams and charities. It also acquaints the community with the wonderful world of quiltmaking. As soon as one quilt show is over, the new Quilt Show Committee starts preparing for next one in two years.

We need everyone willing to participate with the creation of a quilt show. There are committee chairs (Show Chair & CoChair; Market Place; Silent Auctionsboth select items and miniquilts; Quilt TakeIn/Pickup; Setup/ Take Down; Vendors; Signage; Admissions; Volunteers; Publicity, etc.) and worker bees, both before and during the show. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet members and work together.


Day Retreats: Usually the 3day retreats are in August and April in Ingram.

Overnight Retreat: Usually occurs in October in Fredericksburg.

Spaces for all retreats are limited so sign up quickly when they are announced.